ENGINEERING DESIGN在提升城乡品质生活过程中,工程设计是重要的落地连接环节。GVL怡境国际的工程设计赋能业务从一开始就关注落地性和定制化,设计的审美和艺术性首先围绕项目可落地来完成,不做落地无效的“伪设计”或“情怀设计”,而是以落地为指针为甲方提供定制化的个性设计。作为赋能型服务商,GVL怡境国际在建筑设计、景观设计和室内设计领域具有建树,其中在景观设计领域处于行业前列,特别是在精品住宅、精品酒店、商业园区、市政开放空间和海绵城市等领域占据领先地位。
Engineering design is an important procedure in improving rural and urban life. Since artistic aesthetics should be based on feasibility, GVL is always devoted to providing customized design for the clients and trying to avoid non-effective and pretentious design. As a design service provider, GVL has made significant contributions to architectural design, landscape design and interior design. And it is a leader in landscape design industry, especially in boutique housing, boutique hotels, business parks, urban open spaces and sponge cities.