璞营地是一个因地制宜的户外休闲多功能微度假营地品牌。作为先进性的示范性文旅新项目,清远璞营地占地近百亩,首期包括住宿区、活动区、岩壁观景山径、后勤服务区, 可满足情侣、家庭、活动团体的户外体验住宿需求;二、三期将扩大场地和拓展功能的规划及策划,打造英西峰林旅游核心区集门户、接待、活动、休闲、住宿、引流(聚散)功能于一体。
PU Camp is a mini holiday campsite with multiple functions. As an advanced demonstration project, PU Camp in Qingyuan covers a total area of about 100 mu. Phase one includes the tent area, the activity area, the mountain paths and the service area to provide rich outdoor experiences for the lovers, families and groups. Phase two and three will further expand and extend to create an important tourism center for reception, activities, relaxation, accommodation and gathering.